Hogan Injury

6 Things You Need to Photograph at a Car Accident

things photograph car accident

If you’re the victim of a car accident, it’s important that you take photos and document the evidence. Fortunately, almost all of us now carry smartphones or other cell phones that can take photographs. Here is what you need to take pictures of.

The Entire Scene

First, take pictures of the overall car accident scene. Take the photos from different angles and distances. Once you have photos of the general scene, move on to the details.

The Damages

Photograph any damages to your car. If damage was done to nearby property, photograph that as well. Take photos of the other person’s car too, and make sure to include the license plate.

Your Injuries

If you have any noticeable injuries, photograph them at the scene. Take photos of any injuries other bystanders may have suffered. Include every detail, including things such as blood on the road.

The Weather Conditions

Take photos of the sky and the road so that you can prove what the weather conditions were like. Often, the other driver may try to claim that weather conditions caused the accident and that they are not at fault. This can be disproven with photographs.

Traffic Signs

If there are any traffic signs, photograph them as well. For example, if there was a stop sign that the other driver did not adhere to, make sure to document it. Take photos of traffic lights and any signs painted on the road.


Make sure to document the time and date in your photos. Turn on the timestamp in your camera. Take photos of someone’s cell phone that has the date and time with the car accident scene in the background.

Finally, contact us for legal help immediately.