Hogan Injury Disclaimer
Attorney Intake Questionnaire
An injury can make a victim’s life very difficult. Aside from the physical injury, the victim may also suffer emotional and psychological damage because of the injury sustained. Aside from that, there is also the issue of insurance companies, medical practitioners, attorneys and other people that may subject the victim for further questioning.
If you are contemplating on filing a personal injury claim, this form can provide you helpful information on what type of questions will be asked.
Name ____________________________________________________
Date of birth ____/____/____
Social security number _____-____-_______
Address ___________________________________________
Home phone (_____) ______-________
Work phone (_____) ______-________
Mobile phone (_____) ______-________
E-mail address ____________________
What is the best method to contact you? _____________________________________
When would be the best time to contact you? _________________________________
Married ____ Single ____ Divorced ____ Number of children ____
If married, spouse’s name ______________________________________________
Date of you Injury ____/____/____
Where did your injury occur? City _____________ State _____ County ____________
How did your injury occur?
_ Aircraft accident
_ Animal bite or attack
_ Assault and battery
_ Defective premises
_ Defective product
_ Police negligence
_ Medical malpractice
_ Motor vehicle accident
_ Slip or trip and fall
_ Water-related accident
_ Other ________________________
Description of how you sustained your injury(ies). ____________________________________________
Who do you believe is responsible or at fault for your injury, and why? _____________________________
Please describe sustained injury(ies). ____________________________________________________
Please provide the names of the hospital, doctor, and other medical care providers involved in the treatment of your injuries. Please include, names, telephone numbers, and addresses.
Current total incurred medical expenses due to injury treatment: $________________
Projected medical expenses due to injury treatment: $________________
Please write down the addresses, names, and telephone numbers of all injury relevant insurance companies (including, as applicable, health provider, vehicle insurer, homeowner’s insurer, disability provider, etc.).
Have you lost income as a result of your injuries? Yes __ Amount $_________ No __
Income before injury $__________ per ___________
Income after injury $__________ per ___________
Employer ____________________________________________________
Position ____________________________________________________
Employer’s address ____________________________________________________
Employer’s telephone number (_____) _______-_________
Employed? Yes ___ No ___ Tentative return to work date ___/___/___
Will not go back to work ____
Are you suffering from pain because of your injury? If so, describe. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How did this injury affect your life? (Example, you are unable to make a living, unable to perform daily tasks on your own, etc.)
For married claimants, were there any losses your spouse incurred as a result of the injury you sustained. If yes, please describe. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please provide the names of people who have witnessed the case. Please include addresses and phone numbers if possible.
Have you previously consulted an attorney regarding your case? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, provide the attorney’s name(s), the firm name(s), the address(es), and the telephone number(s). ______________________________________________________
Is your relationship with the attorney ongoing? Yes ____ No ____
Has an attorney declined to represent you in this matter? Yes ____ No ____
If yes, why? ______________________________________________________________________
Do you have questions about your injury case?: