Parking lot car accidents are quite common as vehicles and pedestrians are constantly moving.
Most parking lot accidents occur at low speeds, and unless there are witnesses, it can be hard to prove who is at fault.
Different Types of Parking Lot Accidents
The driver in the parking lane suddenly stops, gets rear-ended – The driver who causes the rear-end collision is almost always at fault. Whether you’re driving on a street or in a parking lot, it’s important to follow the vehicle in front at a safe distance and be prepared for its driver to make a sudden or unexpected move.
A driver backs out of his parking space and hits a car in the parking lane – Unless the driver in the parking lane is driving at a high rate of speed, the person backing out of the space is at fault.
Two drivers collide when backing out of opposite parking spaces – This kind of accident occurs when drivers fail to see if someone is backing out of the space behind them. Typically, both drivers are equally at fault in this situation.
What to Do After a Parking Lot Accident
- If possible, move your vehicle away from oncoming traffic
- Unless there are injuries, call the police department’s non-emergency number to report the accident
- Exchange personal information with the other driver such as name and insurance information
- If you have a camera or a cell phone camera, take photos of the accident before the vehicles are moved
If you were the victim of a car accident and sustained injuries due to another driver’s negligence, please contact us.