Getting bitten by a dog may cause severe injuries requiring expensive medical treatments. The situation is worse if the victim has to stop working due to the injury. These can cause financial distress to the victim. In such cases, services which offer immediate access to funds could be a huge help.
A common service dog bite victims avail is settlement loans. Settlement loan are also called pre-settlement funding or lawsuit funding. It enable the victim pay for medical bills while the case is ongoing by giving him or her instant access to cash. Companies offering settlement loans make the application process easy and the requirements lenient. This way, many can access the service, and victims will not be further burdened.
To qualify, a dog bite victim should have suffered specific types of injury. These include death, severe scarring or disfigurement rabies infections, bone fracture, among others.
Payment of the loaned amount is contingent upon the victory of the case. In short, the victim who availed pre-settlement funding will repay only when he or she wins or gets settlements. The victim does not need to worry whether he or she can pay the loan back in case he or she lose.