Any individual under 18 years old must wear a helmet while riding a bike or while sitting on restraining seats being towed by a bicycle passing through a road, bikeway or public bicycle path.
The helmet being used should securely fit the size of the head of the bicycle rider and must be fastened and secured properly. Passengers of the bicycle must also wear helmets.
These rules also apply to individuals under 18 years old using a non-motorized scooter, skateboard or inline or roller skates.
In Bidwell Park, Chico and El Cerrito, specifically, all individuals of any age must wear helmets when riding a bike, skateboard, motorized scooter, and inline or roller skates.
No matter what age, any individual riding a motorcycle or motorized bicycle must wear a safety helmet when passing through roads and highways. This rule also applies to individuals riding the motorcycle/ motorized bicycle as passengers.
Helmets to be used must meet the helmet requirements of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission or the American Society for Testing and Materials. When buying a helmet, make sure that it has a manufacturer’s certification, which means that the item meets the necessary safety standards.