There are several factors to be considered before how much settlement a slip and fall case is worth. Your lawyer will have no idea what your case is worth until he/she has reviewed the following pointers:
1. Medical records
2. Medical expenses
3. Future medical expenses/on going therapy
4. Studied evidence
5. Lost wages
6. Spoken to witnesses
The value of a case will depend on numerous factors such as:
1. Is there any surgery?
2. Are there any broken bones?
3. How much was all of the medical expenses?
4. Did you lose time from work?
5. what loss of earnings did you suffer as a result?
6. Length of the treatment?
7. Is the injury permanent or not?
Remember that accurate estimates require full information. It is essential to seek for legal counsel to ensure you have the correct legal representation to assist you before signing any documents and settlement offer.
Other factors to be considered after being injured are the following:
1. Medical Bills and Expenses – It can be overwhelming, and it is crucial to undergo a thorough medical examination immediately. Make sure to address all physical injuries resulting from the accident and talk to your doctor about how long the recovery will take.Some injuries don’t show up right away until many days, weeks or even months later.
2. Lost of Income – Spending time for your recovery or therapy because of the accident means missing days of work, wages, and opportunities for career advancement. These are considered when determining an appropriate amount of money to compensate you for your lost wages as a result of your injury.
3. Pain and Suffering – “Pain and suffering” is legally defined as the mental or physical distress for which one may seek damages in a lawsuit.