Hogan Injury

Your Legal Claims to Prescription Drugs-Induced Injuries

Medical Bills


I was placed on lisinopril three years ago I recently was in the hospital for a month. I have a mass covering 95% of my liver. I applied for ss and was denied was not out of work long enough I have everyday bills living with a daughter who attends school and work part time I have documents to prove my situation how do I survive cannot work. I also have some numbing in my feet and legs shortness of breath pain in my abdomen along with numb spots. What can I do?


Injury from prescription drugs is not limited to actions based on environmental hazards. It also applies to injury arising from any harmful chemical, including prescription drugs. [Nelson v. Indevus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (2006)]. An action for injury or illness based upon the exposure must be filed no later than the later of  two years from the date of injury; or  two years after plaintiff becomes aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of, (a) an injury, (b) the physical cause of the injury, and (c) sufficient facts to put a reasonable person on inquiry notice that the injury was caused or contributed to by the wrongful act of another.

Furthermore, counties are responsible for the health care of persons who are ineligible for Medi–Cal but unable to afford medical care (see Welf. & Inst.C. § 17000 et seq.). Persons who receive medical care under a county’s Medically Indigent Adult (MIA) program must sign an agreement to reimburse the county from the proceeds of any litigation or settlement they may receive from a third party liable for the injury. The county’s right of reimbursement is not a lien, and its only remedy for an MIA’s failure to reimburse is to bring an action against the MIA for breach of the agreement [Newton v. Clemons,]. It would be best to seek personal assistance from a lawyer in order to help you with your personal injury case.

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