Vision is the most important of the five senses for driving. Without it, you would go off the road or hit another car in a matter of seconds. It’s why a vision test is required when getting a driver’s license for the first time and for renewals. However, the eyewear choices that drivers make, profoundly affect their safety on the road, sometimes for the worse. Here are three eyewear choices that increase the risk of a car accident: Wearing the Wrong Sunglasses Tints Sunglasses normally make driving safer because they.
Multitasking is impossible for human beings. The human mind can only focus on one thinking task at a time. People who claim to be multitaskers don’t truly work on two tasks simultaneously. Instead, they merely switch back and forth between the two. Each switch-over requires several seconds or longer of recovery, which makes multitasking inefficient. When multitasking between driving and another task, the person is vulnerable to traffic changes that demand their immediate response. This vulnerability happens when their attention is directed away from driving, and during their recovery period when.
Ignorance of the law will not likely be an adequate defense when involved in a liability suit. That’s the reason for the saying that “ignorance of the law is no excuse.” The illegality of some driving acts is apparent to most people such as violating the speed limit, running red lights, or passing a school bus while its lights are flashing. However, there are many ways that drivers can unknowingly commit negligent driving acts. If you get into an accident while doing any of these four examples of negligence, you could be.
Fortunately, car fires are fairly rare. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t happen, especially if you own an old car. A car that’s prone to catching on fire can be life-threatening, especially if it happens in a car crash that leaves you incapacitated. Understand that well maintained cars just about never catch on fire. Therefore, having your car checked on a regular basis and keeping up with the maintenance schedule recommended in the car’s owner’s manual should mostly eliminate the danger. In addition to this, keep an eye open for.
Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience for many individuals. However, motorcycle accidents have become an all too common occurrence, often due to the negligence of drivers who do not look out for motorcycles on the road. If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you will likely have many questions and concerns, one of which may be whether or not you should consult a personal injury attorney to help you through this difficult time. Here are just a few reasons why it would be in your best.
Too often wheels break free of vehicles on the nation’s roads. Sometimes, they bounce into ongoing traffic, often causing severe injuries or loss of life. Tire separations threaten occupants of the vehicle involved as well. Wheel loss often causes rollovers, some of which cause injury or death. Victims of wheel separations may seek compensation from those responsible for their injuries. When a commercial truck is involved in a truck accident, a trucking firm may be liable for damages. Sometimes, vehicle maintenance providers or parts manufacturers are liable. Reasons Why Wheels Come.
Truck Drivers Who Have the Necessary Skills Truck driving is hard. There’s no doubt about that. People who work in this industry have to be incredibly focused and dedicated. They need to be familiar with all relevant safety regulations. Truck drivers work incredibly long hours. Every one of those hours is going to require a high degree of concentration, and truck drivers need to be up to the task in a landscape that varies all the time. They have to be prepared for long stretches on the road where nothing is.
Driving on our nation’s highways can be dangerous. It is even more dangerous to stop on the side of the road. Most highways and interstates have breakdown lanes. They appear wide enough to accommodate most vehicles that would need to stop there. Pulling over into a breakdown lane seems safe enough. It is not. Some states allow drivers to drive in the breakdown lane during rush hour traffic to reduce congestion. This practice adds to the many dangers of being stopped in the breakdown lane. Vehicles still have difficulties on.
Snell certified motorcycle helmets are well-built and have saved the lives of many motorcyclists. However, that doesn’t mean they’re indestructible. In fact, they’re intended for use as throw-away products. That is, you should retire them after they’ve been through one motorcycle accident. Although the outer shell is subjected to high impact forces and friction during an accident, the real damage occurs to the interior foam, which absorbs impact energy by deforming. Without this “give,” the impact shock wave would be transmitted directly to your head. The problem is that after.
Disfigurement injuries happen in both automobile and motorcycle accidents. However, the potential for disfigurement is particularly high for motorcyclists. The rider’s motorcycle provides little protection during an accident. This leaves the helmet, leather, boots, and gloves as the only barriers between the motorcyclist’s body and other motor vehicles and objects. Hitting the wrong type of guard rail, for example, can sever limbs, which is among the most severe of disfigurement injuries. Facial disfigurement is another possible outcome of a motorcycle accident. Riders thrown off a bike, tumble and slide along.