Hogan Injury

Avoiding a Car Accident During the Holidays

tips avoid car accidents holiday season

The holiday season is upon us. No one wants to be in a car accident at any point during the year but especially during the holidays. Car accident injuries may result in hospitalization which would make it difficult to be with loved ones for family celebrations. Ringing in the new year from a hospital bed is not the way to start 2016. Consider the following common causes of accidents and ways to avoid them this holiday season.

Driving Under the Influence

People commonly celebrate the holidays with a few drinks. Ringing in the New Year with champagne is tradition. However, driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and can be deadly. Therefore it is wise to designate one person as the driver for the evening. Be sure to determine who the designated driver will be BEFORE heading out. That person should abstain from drinking for the night. If they do not follow through then call a cab for a ride home instead of getting in the car with someone who has been drinking.

Driver Fatigue

It has been said that driver fatigue is as dangerous as drunk driving. Falling asleep behind the wheel can cause fatalities. Therefore if you will be driving a long distance to be with loved ones this holiday consider taking the following steps to prevent an accident due to fatigue.

Distracted Driving

While driving home for the holidays it may be tempting to text that you are only 5 hours out. Or maybe you can hear that you have received a text and want to read what it says. Distracted driving is a known cause of accidents. Avoid reading or answering texts while you are driving. Pull over or wait until you arrive.

For additional information about avoiding car accidents or what to do if you are in an accident contact us.