Hogan Injury

Can you sue a cosmetic company for an allergic reaction?

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We all use beauty products on a regular basis – soap, shampoo, lotion, cologne, and make-up to name a few. Oftentimes, we fail to scan through the list of ingredients at the back of the container before throwing a beauty product into our shopping cart, overlooking the possibility of an ingredient or two, which we might be allergic to.

A study found that more than a third of people have had an allergic reaction to a cosmetic ingredient. Skin reactions can come in two kinds of contact dermatitis – irritant and allergic. Irritant contact dermatitis happens on the surface and includes itches, burns, or stings; while allergic contact dermatitis happens when the immune system gets upset and its symptoms include redness, swelling, itching and hives. It can be challenging to distinguish one type of reaction from another, and it is possible to have a combination of the two. Injuries from beauty products can come from allergic reactions to infections and other complications.

Tips on how to avoid allergic reactions to cosmetic products

Can you sue a cosmetic company for an allergic reaction?

Product liability and breach of warranty are two legal theories that plaintiffs can sue under.

Contact us at Hogan Injury for expert legal advice.

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