Concentration Problems

Attention or concentration problems after a car accident can be a sign that the person has suffered a traumatic brain injury or TBI. A traumatic brain injury can easily go unnoticed following an accident both by the victim and by the doctors and staff who treat the patient at the emergency room. This is because brain injuries can range from mild to severe and have a wide array symptoms ranging from headaches and dizziness to seizures. It can take days, weeks or even months after an accident for the victim and/or his or her family to realize that something is very wrong as some symptoms associated with these serious head injuries may not be apparent for quite some time.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury typically occurs when the head sustains a violent blow. Sometimes an object penetrates the skull or shatters pieces of skull. This type of traumatic brain injury is called an open head injury versus a closed head injury when the brain is injured without anything making penetration through the skull. Many car accident victims suffer from closed head injuries as a result of a powerful blow to the head when it strikes something hard inside the vehicle such as a windshield or steering wheel.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that traumatic brain injuries are very prevalent in the US as approximate 2.5 people are treated for these injuries each year. The CDC also tells us that the severity of a TBI may range from mild wherein the person experiences a brief alteration in their mental status or consciousness to severe which results in the person being permanently disabled.

If some time has passed since your accident and you are now noticing that you are having problems concentrating, you should not assume that you are imaging things or that the concentration issues will somehow pass. It could very well be that you sustained a traumatic brain injury in the accident you were involved in without you or the treating emergency room doctors knowing it. Trouble concentrating after a car accident should be viewed as a red flag indicating that you have a brain injury.

Concentration problems are among the many symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries as are:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Short-term memory problems
  • Confusion
  • Anger, irritability or other changes in personality
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trouble walking
  • Coordination problems
  • Light and sound sensitivity

If it can be proven that the accident you were injured in was caused due to the negligent behavior of someone else such as another driver, you may be able to file a legal claim for compensation to cover the cost of your injuries. You are only given a limited amount of time following an accident to file a claim for compensation so there is no time to waste. It is important that you contact an experienced San Francisco brain injury attorney right away so that your case can be reviewed to determine if a potential lawsuit is worth pursuing. If your lawyer advises you to file a claim, he or she will quickly get to work so that a strong case can be built on your behalf. In the meantime, you can concentrate on what’s important which is putting the pieces of your life back together again.

The legal team at Hogan Injury specializes in representing people who’ve been injured in car, truck and motorcycle accidents. We work hard to ensure our clients get the justice and monetary compensation they deserve. We also represent families in wrongful death cases so that they are compensated for their loss. While no amount of money can replace a family member, compensation recovered can greatly assist the survivors in securing their financial futures.

We are available 24/7 to speak with you. Call us today at 866-205-4971 or get in contact with us via our website. We truly care about you and we want to win for you. We operate under a guaranteed no-fee policy which means you don’t pay us until we win or settle your case. We understand that the last thing you need now is to worry about paying legal fees as what’s important is that you concentrate on getting better.

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The Law Offices of Hogan Injury will provide you with personalized attention and guidance. Protecting your rights is our main objective. We have been representing clients for the past 30 years and our experienced team of attorneys will advise you of the legal consequences of every decision you take.