Hogan Injury

Cycling Under the Influence: A Threat to Public Safety

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Bicycling, biking, or pedal cycling has substantially increased in popularity over the last decade, and biking has become a go-to transportation means for a number of Americans for both economic and health reasons. In 2016, about 12.4% of Americans or around 66.5 million rode their bicycles on a regular basis. The number significantly increased between 2012 and 2014.

One challenge faced by the public today is the growing number of fatalities involving cyclists, particularly those who are under the influence of alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 1,000 bicyclists died and almost 467,000 were injured in the United States in 2015. Among the deaths, 37% had alcohol involvement either for the motor vehicle driver or the cyclist.

One can say that bicycles may not pose the same safety threat as do motor vehicles, but it does not omit the fact that drunk biking is a serious concern. Biking under the influence of alcohol can cause property damages, injuries to oneself, and injuries to pedestrians. A drunken pedal cyclist can have impaired sense of balance, inability to navigate and perceive hazards, and is more likely to do reckless behaviors such as speeding. It was also found that drunk cyclists are less likely to wear their helmets.

Every state has its own laws surrounding drunk biking. Some states only consider motor vehicles when it comes to laws concerning road safety, while others treat bikers the same way as any motor vehicle drivers in terms of legal process. In California, for example, bicycle riders may be charged with DUI or DWI offense and follow the same legal proceedings as drivers of motor vehicles. Helmet Laws and Distracted Driving Laws also apply to bicycle riders.

To avoid road accidents while on a bike, here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

With the rise of bicycle riding in popularity recently, come the risks. It is then important that riders take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others while on the road. Every cyclist must know that biking under the influence will always have legal repercussions.

Have you been involved in a bicycle or motor vehicle accident? Contact us at Hogan Injury for expert legal advice.

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