When someone driving a car is involved in an accident there are a few things that protect them. The first thing is the car itself. The car is a shell protecting the operator. Much of cars today has a considerable amount of plastic and aluminum but under the decorative cover are steel bars surrounding the occupants. Airbags are now required in all vehicles adding an additional cushion in the event of a collision. Seatbelts with shoulder harness have been required for many years which holds the driver in the seat. There are four wheels which keep a car upright except in the case of a rollover. Even in a rollover, the wheels and shell of the vehicle protect the occupants to some degree.
Motorcycles have none of the above protections. If a motorcycle is involved in an accident, the only thing to protect the occupants is what the occupants are wearing. There are no airbags on a motorcycle. Seat belts could be deadly and there is no shell of steel to deflect a collision. A motorcyclist is riding on two wheels and has a near zero chance of staying upright in an accident.
Clothing is the best thing a motorcyclist can do to protect themselves in a collision. Helmets are required in many states and recommended everywhere. Jacket and pants with padding protects the rider and passenger from some injury including road rash should they depart a moving motorcycle and drag on the ground. Over the ankle boots protect against fractures often.
Dress for safety when motorcycling. Clothing is a critical component to safe riding. Contact our experienced law firm if you are involved in a motorcycle accident. We are here to help.