Hogan Injury

Food Safety Tips this Thanksgiving

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It’s Thanksgiving in a few weeks and you are probably bracing yourself now for the big meals – and leftovers – that the holiday brings. Thanksgiving is a holiday that revolves around good food — a lot of good food, that is. In fact, about 46 million turkeys are cooked and about 50 million pumpkin pies are eaten at Thanksgiving dinner each year. A full Thanksgiving meal could total up to 3,000 calories, and you can consume up to 229 grams of fat out of it. But overeating is just one thing to watch out for during Turkey Day, as food poisoning is very common during the Thanksgiving festivities, as well.

As you set your thanksgiving menu and search for creative Thanksgiving recipes, make sure that you are aware of the safety precautions and practices in preparing, cooking, and storing food.

Food Preparation



Do not get carried away with the festivities; be aware of the steps you take in preparing your Thanksgiving dishes. From the time you go shopping, make sure that the products you purchase are safe and are properly labeled and packaged. Also be wary of recalled products that still sit on shelves. If a product does not have a list of ingredients, nutritional values, and proper warnings and labels, do not purchase them.

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