Some injuries are unique to motorcycle accidents.
Bilateral femur fractures are a not uncommon injury. This injury is caused when the motorcycle stops and the rider does not. The rider is ejected forward and both legs strike the handlebars, fracturing them. This injury is often nicknamed “handlebar fracture”.
The femur is the largest bone in the body and usually difficult to break. This injury is also very painful. There are many muscles and tendons in the thigh. Once the femur is fractured, the tension from the tendons adds increased pressure. The force from the injury will also cause injury to the tendons and muscles.
Another concern with a femur fracture is bleeding. The femoral artery, one of the largest arteries in the body, sits alongside the femur. Normally, the femur provides protection for the artery but when the femur is fractured there is risk of laceration to the artery. This can be a deadly injury. There is nothing to prevent a very rapid loss of blood. Someone with a femur fracture must get to surgery as soon as possible to prevent loss of life.
How does one prevent this injury? Some accidents are unavoidable but being as aware of your surroundings can prevent many accidents. When the unavoidable accident presents itself, if possible, lay the bike down. This maneuver may not prevent all injuries but will limit exposure to a handlebar fracture. Dressing for safety can prevent many injuries or reduce the severity of injuries. Padded motorcycle jackets and pants are the best protection.
Stay safe while riding. Contact our experienced firm if you are involved in a motorcycle accident.