When you’re involved in a truck accident, your first reaction might be shocked. You may not remember everything that happened. And your first priority will be nursing yourself back to health and making sure that your medical bills get paid.
Why Do You Need a Lawyer?
Given all your other priorities after an accident, don’t forget that you should also consult a lawyer to make sure that you get the insurance money you are owed. Getting insurance money can be an involved procedure involving many forms and your insurance company might even contest your claim. Most people find it difficult to navigate this bureaucracy, so it’s best to have a lawyer help you do so.
Your Case Might Be Investigated
Most insurance companies will want to make sure that you were as badly injured as you claim to be. They might send an investigator to make sure that you are telling them the entire truth. This is not a personal attack on you. It’s just general procedure. Not everyone is equally honest when it comes to financial dealings. So insurance companies have to protect themselves.
Sharing Pertinent Details With Your Lawyer
Just remember that if your case is genuine, you will be able to get the money you are owed. So there’s no need to worry. But make sure to share all the pertinent details with your lawyer. They need to know everything about you so that they can be prepared for what the insurance company is going to say.
So if you’ve been involved in accidents before, you can tell them about it. Or if you have been arrested for any reason, especially if that reason had to do with driving, then feel free to share that as well.
What Benefits You Benefits Your Lawyer
It’s best to be upfront with your lawyer because they’re not going to use it against you. This is someone who’s on your side and it’s in their best interests to see you win and get as much money as possible because this will benefit them too.
Contact us if you have any more questions about hiring a lawyer after your truck accident.