Hailing a taxi is a great way to get around when you don’t own a car or are having a drink. Even though you won’t be doing any driving, accidents can still occur and you still need to make sure that you stay safe. Here are some tips that will help you stay outĀ of any car accidents when you are taking a cab.
Stay on the Sidewalk
Don’t hail the cab while standing in the street. Never go off the sidewalk to the motion to a taxi driver, even if you’ll end up waiting a few more minutes for the next taxi. It’s especially dangerous since you’re concentrating on getting the taxi driver’s attention and not focusing on approaching cars.
Stay Safe Inside
Even if you’re in a rush, never pressure the taxi driver to drive faster. Putting pressure on the driver will cause them to get nervous, and they won’t be able to focus on their driving properly. If the driver is driving recklessly, make sure to call them out and tell them to slow down. A little patience goes a long way to staying safe.
Stay Safe When Getting Out
Never get out in the middle of the street or where cars are rushing by. Wait until you arrive at an area where you can get out and walk to your destination safely. Don’t get out in the street while the driver is stuck at a red light.
If an Accident Occurs
If you’re in an accident that involves a taxi driver, make sure to stay at the scene until the police arrive. Don’t forget to take down the taxi driver’s license plate number, as well as the taxi company and car number. Finally, contact a car accident lawyer immediately so that you can get the compensation you deserve.