Animal bite cases frequently lead to settlements or lawsuits. If you’ve been bitten by someone else’s pet, filing suit against the responsible party almost always comes to mind. Yet, not every incident has grounds for filing a lawsuit.

Aside from the dog owner’s liability, you may also want to go over your damages. If the animal bite wasn’t severe enough to draw blood and warrant medical attention, taking legal action may be fruitless. Also, the potential result of such a case wouldn’t be worth your time, effort and money. Taking a case to trial does not guarantee a favorable settlement as the attorney’s fees and other expenses may prove to be higher.

Before you decide to take legal against the dog owner, it’s best to know the extent of the injuries you incurred from the animal bite incident. Even if the wounds seem to be superficial, you should still have it checked by a medical professional. There are many cases when animal bites transmit bacteria and cause infection. Any gap in getting medical treatment may have serious repercussions for you.

If you are unsure of what you need to do, taking the first step to speak with a lawyer would help. An experienced animal bite attorney can determine if you have grounds to sue and the necessary steps you should take.

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