Some riders believe that they can stop themselves from getting into motorcycle accidents by avoiding certain roads altogether. This really isn’t the best strategy, although it is understandable.
Motorcycle riders who try to limit the roads that they use might have a hard time using their motorcycles for the sake of transportation. They will have to design complex routes in order to get anywhere, unless they just use those bikes to ride for fun.
This strategy might not necessarily be effective in practice, even though it will almost always be inconvenient in principle and in practice. If motorcycle riders are trying to stay safe by being very selective about the roads they choose, they should make sure that they’re actually choosing roads that are safer in practice.
Some people think that they should avoid interstate highways in order to ride their motorcycles safely. It is true that motorcycle accidents that occur on interstate highways will probably be more dangerous than the accidents that occur on rural roads and urban streets. People won’t be riding their motorcycles as quickly under those circumstances, and that can make a difference when the motorcycle accident in question is already happening.
However, people are often less likely to get into those accidents in the first place if they spend more time riding their bikes on interstate highways. Drivers are all traveling in the same direction when they’re taking interstate highways, and that can have a huge effect on a person’s odds of getting into an accident.
Under other circumstances, motorcycle riders will have to worry more about side streets and pedestrians. Motorcycle accidents occur more frequently when something unexpected happens. The interstate system of highways can create something of a controlled environment, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. There are often more surprises on other roads.
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