Hogan Injury

Motorcycle Injury Accident Cleared From Bay Bridge

Motorcycle Injury Accident Cleared From Bay Bridge

Major delays were caused on the morning of Thursday, September 10th,  for motorists traveling Westbound on the Bay Bridge. Details of the crash have yet to be released. The occurrence of motorcycle accidents is becoming all too common. Many of these accidents can be avoided. Here are just a few tips from Consumer Reports  to keep riders safe.

Purchase Anti-lock Brakes

Studies have shown that motorcycles with ABS brakes were 37 percent less likely to be involved in a fatal crash. The reason ABS brakes are effective is because they enable riders to maintain steering control during sudden stops. This is absolutely essential for driving in less than ideal weather or slippery conditions.

Wear a Helmet 

The wearing of helmets is a controversial debate among riders. The facts, however, have been proven. The fact is helmets save lives. While the helmet law is mandatory in the state of California, this is not the case in all states. When the helmet law was repealed in Texas they saw a 31 percent increase in fatalities from motorcycle accidents. Riders without helmets are 40 percent more likely to be involved in a fatal crash.

Be on the Defense 

Being an alert rider is possibly one the biggest steps you can take towards your safety. Cars and trucks on the road do not always watch for motorcycles and often put them in danger. A study done by the University of South Florida Center for Urban Transportation Research showed that car drivers were at fault 60 percent of the time for accidents involving cars and motorcycles. This means that as a motorcycle rider you must be alert at all times. Do not tailgate, watch for sudden lane changes, and be aware of cars pulling out into traffic.

Following these tips and using common sense will go a long way in keeping a rider safe. However, accidents are sometimes out of your control. If you find yourself needing help after a motorcycle accident, contact us. We will provide a free consultation within 24 hours.