Evidence is the key to succeeding in any lawsuit or claim. If you cannot back your claim with evidence, you will not succeed. In any accident lawsuit or claim, evidence plays an important role. Remember a lawsuit or claim can take time to get resolved or settled. It is important to preserve the evidence so that you can use it at the appropriate time in your lawsuit or claim.
Type of Claim
Ideally you should preserve all physical evidence associated with the accident. The evidence that you will need to preserve will depend on the type of your personal injury claim.
Automobile Accidents
In case of automobile accidents, you should take photographs of the accident scene and your injuries or property damage. Another vital piece of evidence in any automobile accident is the police report.
Product liability
If your personal injury claim is based on product liability i.e. defective or malfunctioning product, you must preserve the product in the exact condition that it was in at the time of the accident. You should also retain the packaging with the labels, warnings and instructions. You should also preserve the receipt. If you do not have the receipt, try and obtain a copy from the seller.
Medical negligence
If your claim is based on medical malpractice, you should preserve the records of your treatment which resulted in your injury including any second opinion you may have obtained from other medical professionals.
In addition to the above evidence, you should also preserve the records of the treatment that you have received for your injury.
A picture is worth a thousand words. It will help you remember the details by looking at the picture. It will help refresh your mind. Another advantage of photographs is that it will not get affect by time. For example some physical evidence can gather rust as time goes by and may become unidentifiable when they are produced in court. Photographs can help you overcome this hurdle.