The following tabulated form is intended to help you see how damages include easily identifiable costs in an effort to place a dollar value on your physical person and the way in which your life has changed since you were injured. You should always have an inventory of known costs and make them obvious in your documents.
I. Out-of-Pocket Damages a/k/a “Special Damages”
Damages Present Amount Spent or
in Case (U) Estimated
Doctors’ bills _____________ $_________________
Ambulance bill _____________ $_________________
Hospital bills _____________ $_________________
Private nurses _____________ $_________________
Medicines/Drugs _____________ $_________________
Medical supplies _____________ $_________________
Travel/lodging arising from
need for medical treatment _____________ $_________________
Wheelchairs, walkers, prostheses,
handicapped-accessible vehicle,
other special implements _____________ $_________________
Future medical expenses _____________ $_________________
TOTAL MEDICAL DAMAGES $_________________