Hogan Injury

Prevent a Motorcycle Accident by Wearing Armored Pants with Knee Sliders

Many motorcycle riders know the importance of safety. So they make sure they wear helmets when they’re riding, as well as armored motorcycle jackets and gloves. But somehow, they always ignore the bottom halves of their bodies when it comes to safety.

The Danger of Wearing Ripped Jeans

Many motorcycle riders choose to wear frayed jeans with holes in them because these look “cool.” But did you know that the threads coming off frayed jeans can get caught in the machinery of your motorcycle? Plus, the skin that is exposed in ripped jeans might suffer burns if it ends up touching the hot parts of a motorcycle.

Avoid Breaking Knee and Shin Bones

In addition to the burns you might get from wearing ripped jeans, keep in mind that they also offer no protection in case of an accident. A lot of motorcycle riders hurt their knees and shins during motorcycle accidents. If you want to avoid breaking the bones in this area, you can wear pants with armor in the knee and shin area. Additionally, armored pants also offer more padding in the seat area and on the sides.

Mesh and Leather Motorcycle Pants

There are two different types of armored pants you can get, just as there are two different types of motorcycle jackets—mesh and leather. Plus, these pants can also be zipped to the jackets so that you get protection all over your body. Keep in mind that mesh will be cooler but leather will give you more protection. Still, it’s best to wear a light pair of motorcycle pants rather than just jeans.

The Advantage of Using Knee Sliders

Another advantage of motorcycle pants is that they often come with knee sliders. So when you’re taking a turn and leaning over on one side, you can actually put your knee down on the ground for a greater sense of balance. This is something you can’t do with jeans.

So if you’re a regular motorcycle rider and you want to prevent a motorcycle accident, stop wearing jeans and invest in a good pair of motorcycle pants. Contact us for more information.