Motorcyclists have different reactions to night riding. Some find it thoroughly enjoyable while others have a healthy fear of it for good reason. Motorcycles have a visibility problem even during the day because of their small size and slender profile which many auto drivers aren’t looking for. Their two wheels make them less stable on road debris, potholes, railroad tracks, and wet pavement, all of which are difficult to see at night. Animal road crossings are hard to see and are a common cause of motorcycle accidents. There are more drowsy and intoxicated motorists on the road at night, especially during weekends.
For practical reasons, all motorcyclists at the very least should know how to night drive. Even if you don’t plan to ride at night, sometimes circumstances can force it on you such as having to stay at work longer than planned or a breakdown on the road late in the day.
Here are seven recommended safety precautions for motorcyclists:
- Adjust your headlight. Adjust the headlight to the highest angle allowed by state law. Do this at night in front of a wall or a closed garage door.
- Increase the brightness of your headlight/s. Replace your headlight with the brightest legal light. Add two additional running headlights. The three lights make the road ahead and yourself more visible. They also make your head-on profile larger and allows other motorists to more easily assess your speed.
- Use a brighter tail light. Avoid getting rear ended by replacing inadequate tail lights. Upgrade to a brighter light such as one using LEDs.
- Wear high visibility clothing. This means reflective clothing that is easily seen at night. Reflective strips on your helmet are also recommended.
- Make your bike more visible. Add reflective strips to your bike. If your electrical system can handle it, you might use accent lighting. They are a highly visible and stylish alternative to reflective strips.
- Don’t out ride your headlights. Reacting and braking to a hazard requires time and the faster you ride, the less of it you have.
- Stay near the lane center but not on it. Riding close to the center of your lane increases your visibility. However, in urban areas, the exact lane center is slippery from car engine oil and grease.
Contact us if you require the services of experienced motorcycle accident attorneys.