One of the most contested laws in the European Union’s history, the General Data Protection Regulation has many and far reaching effects. This legislation looked into how companies handled, or not handled, data privacy. The GDPR is applicable not just to companies physically in the EU but also to any US company that handles data of EU citizens. This law gave people better control of their personal data. Under the GDPR, you have the right to know how your personal data is processed, gain access to the data.
For years, hackers have been sharpening their tools and scouting for new targets to penetrate cyberdefenses, making cybersecurity a major problem that the United States faces today. Both the public and private sectors remain at risk for both nation-state cyber threats, with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea leading the list; as well as non-state cybersecurity threats such as terrorists and criminals. Considering the gravity of the danger every cybercrime poses, what steps has the government been doing to address such threats? What Has Been Happening The recent.
For the past few weeks, we have been seeing headlines regarding Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, and you might be wondering what the fuss is all about. The details can be intimidating and make it hard for most people to fully understand what really went on and how it affects Facebook users, which comprise a third of the world population. The following bits of information might help you have a better grasp of what happened and what it means for us users. Cambridge Analytica Cambridge Analytica is a political.