We get our information about the world from many sources. Because not all information sources are reliable, many of us carry around a lot of misinformation in our heads. Although some incorrect beliefs are harmless, those related to driving can kill. Here are four driving misconceptions that make you a danger to yourself and others on the road: Distracted Driving Is a Teen Problem The first step in overcoming a driving safety problem, is knowing that one exists. Thinking that only teens have this problem implies that you don’t because.
Safe driving starts with your beliefs and attitudes. The safety features of your car can only do so much to protect you from serious injury in a car crash. The rest is up to you to avoid accidents by driving safely. The problem is that many people have distorted ideas about safe driving because of the misinformation out there, especially about distracted driving. Here are three distracted driving myths that stubbornly persist: A Person Skilled at Multitasking Can Drive Safely When the brain is split between two cognitive tasks, it.