Cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin, continues to rise in popularity despite its value’s volatility recently; and if you are looking to use bitcoin to pay for things, you have to take due diligence in knowing how to do it, where you can spend, buy cryptocurrencies, or earn bitcoins, the best trading platform, and what the risks and advantages are. How do you pay with bitcoin? First, you need a bitcoin wallet. There are free bitcoin wallets available for smartphones and all major operating systems. Just like with a physical wallet,.
Bitcoin has taken the world by storm, and since its introduction in 2008, it has inevitably faced several controversies. Scammers found a gold mine in the digital currency for many reasons. One of them is the fact that only a few people understand it, which makes it easier to make them believe false promises. Another reason is anonymity – cryptocurrency gives scammers relative ease to cover their tracks. Lastly, a major reason is that it is largely unregulated. Bitcoin chiefly operates outside of the conventions of a financial.
For many years now, data has been a critical part of every organization. Criminals have been sharpening their tools to breach companies’ cybersecurity to get a hold of sensitive data. What is a data breach? A data breach occurs when a cybercriminal is able to infiltrate a data source and acquire sensitive information, either done physically by accessing a computer or a network and steal the information or compromising a network security remotely. The latter is the one often used to target companies. What are types of data.
News on data breaches, cybercrime, and invasion of privacy have saturated the headlines in the recent years; and this inevitably creates concern for companies, small businesses and large enterprises alike. Hackers continue to enhance their tools and scout for new cyberdefenses to penetrate, and any business remains vulnerable to a cyber attack. The question is: what can you do to protect your company’s sensitive data? Here are 10 cybersecurity practices you may want to adopt. Raise awareness and educate your employees. It is the employees who can either.
For years, hackers have been sharpening their tools and scouting for new targets to penetrate cyberdefenses, making cybersecurity a major problem that the United States faces today. Both the public and private sectors remain at risk for both nation-state cyber threats, with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea leading the list; as well as non-state cybersecurity threats such as terrorists and criminals. Considering the gravity of the danger every cybercrime poses, what steps has the government been doing to address such threats? What Has Been Happening The recent.
Considered the most important development in data privacy regulation in two decades, the General Data Protection Regulation or GPDR has taken effect on May 25, 2018. The regulation was up for debate for four years before it was approved in 2016, with the enforcement date set this year. This means that organizations who failed to comply within two years may face heavy fines. What exactly is the GDPR? The GDPR is a rule passed by the European Union that standardizes data protection laws across all 28 EU countries..