Being the victim of a road accident is hard enough. Having to deal with the insurance companies afterward just makes the entire experience more frustrating. Here are some simple tips for dealing with insurance companies after a crash. Don’t Sign It’s important to contact your own insurance agent as soon as possible. However, don’t sign on anything unless you know what exactly you are signing. Remember, the fine print isn’t there to benefit you. Not only that, but don’t give a recorded statement to the insurance agency. You’re not required.
In the aftermath of a truck accident, most survivors have substantial medical bills as well as damage to their vehicles and personal possessions. But the losses do not stop there. Did you know that a loss of earnings is a very real claim that you can make even if you used vacation and sick time to receive pay? Financial Responsibilities after an Accident Your rent or mortgage, utilities, and other bills do not stop because you had an accident. Far too many victims of vehicle crashes find that they fall.
QUESTION: In a personal injury case, do you request reimbursement for co-pay fees of the actual costs that a hospital would charge without insurance? I was in an automobile accident and received medical treatment from a Kaiser Facility. My concern is when writing a demand letter, do I list only the co-pay fees or the actual fees that would be charged for the services received. ANSWER: Some insurance policies (e.g., Kaiser) cover the insured’s medical bills, but give the carrier a right of reimbursement from the insured claimant in the.
QUESTION: My father moved in to live with me after he left his wife. He said she was abusing him physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. She held a gun to his head and said that she wished he would die. He was going through divorce and settlement when he had a heart attack. When he was released with a diagnosis of GI Tract tear and bleed and infection he was to immediately pick up his prescription for antibiotics to keep him alive. When he was to pick them up along.