QUESTION: My mom received a check for a personal injury settlement. How will that affect her SSI and medical benefits along with her living under section 8? I am also living with them as my father’s caretaker. ANSWER: A binding settlement is reached upon timely and proper acceptance of the proposed terms. At that point, the offer, together with original proof of acceptance, may be submitted with a written judgment for the court’s signature and entry of judgment. Where a settlement, judgment or award fails to specify the portion representing.
QUESTION: How do you go about getting medical bills, pain, and suffering, etc (restitution) after a DV case has been closed? In the mist of the trial, I was asked to send in copies of my medical bills to the DA that I received in result to me going to the emergency room after a DV assault. So that the judge could order them to be paid. I sent x-ray readings etc. When the case came to a conclusion the DA returned to me stating that the defendant did not.