Gun laws are no doubt a controversial and divisive topic in the United States. While gun ownership continues to be a constitutionally protected right under the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights, the increase in gun-related deaths in recent years has caused major concern regarding public safety. The recent high school mass shootings in Florida and Texas are latest examples of gun-related violence, which continues to cast fears among the public. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 96 people die due to firearms on.
Bicycling, biking, or pedal cycling has substantially increased in popularity over the last decade, and biking has become a go-to transportation means for a number of Americans for both economic and health reasons. In 2016, about 12.4% of Americans or around 66.5 million rode their bicycles on a regular basis. The number significantly increased between 2012 and 2014. One challenge faced by the public today is the growing number of fatalities involving cyclists, particularly those who are under the influence of alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease.