Of all the motor vehicles on the road, motorcycles are the least safe. They are less stable and less visible than four-wheeled vehicles. They also lack the protection systems of cars and trucks such as bumpers, protective “cages,” seatbelts, and airbags. The only safety system motorcyclists have is their protective gear, riding skills, and their mindset. Unfortunately, the mindset of some motorcyclists greatly increases their injury and fatality risk. Here are two psychological factors that cause motorcycle accidents: Riding With the Wrong Attitude The wrong attitude distorts clear thinking and risk assessments..
Obstacles on the road are collision hazards that can cause a serious crash. Debris from a landslide, a fallen tree, or a large animal such as a deer are three such obstacles. However, too many motorists fail to appreciate that every car, motorcycle, and truck in front of them on the road are potential obstacles if they rapidly brake or come to a sudden stop. Traffic isn’t viewed that way because most of the time, it matches one’s speed. But that situation can change in an instant. Here are three common.