Brake checking is the practice of hitting the brakes to make a tailgater increase their following distance. Drivers often use brake checking as a kind of counter-measure against aggressive drivers or as a means of retaliation. Regardless of the reason, brake checking is aggressive driving, and not only endangers the tailgater, but other motorists as well. It can potentially trigger a pileup crash, especially in wet or foggy conditions. The tailgater could be a distracted driver with their family in the car. Perhaps the driver is a mother dealing with.
Braking is an almost universal reaction when motorists encounter a driving emergency. This is usually a good thing to do because reducing speed brings you that much closer to a complete stop, which is necessary when swerving isn’t an option. A slower speed also makes cars more stable and reduces the severity of car accidents. However, there are exceptions to everything including brake usage during emergencies. Here are three situations where braking is the wrong thing to do, and will likely cause a crash: During a Tire Blowout When your tire.
Obstacles on the road are collision hazards that can cause a serious crash. Debris from a landslide, a fallen tree, or a large animal such as a deer are three such obstacles. However, too many motorists fail to appreciate that every car, motorcycle, and truck in front of them on the road are potential obstacles if they rapidly brake or come to a sudden stop. Traffic isn’t viewed that way because most of the time, it matches one’s speed. But that situation can change in an instant. Here are three common.
When driving behind a large truck, you need to exercise special caution. Most trucks have many blind spots and their drivers can’t always see clearly what’s going on around them. Here are a few tips on avoiding a truck accident. Don’t Tailgate Keep a distance of around five seconds from the truck in front of you. The truck driver can’t see behind their truck, and you need to give them space so that they can maneuver without bumping into you. You also can’t see what’s going on in front of.
Tailgating is all-too-common on the roads today. Not only does it give you little reaction time when the car in front brakes, the car also blocks your view of the road ahead. If the vehicle in front is a truck, then your lack of visibility is compounded. Tailgating a motorcyclist threatens the person’s life. Motorcyclists can fall off their bikes on slippery pavement or when they hit a pothole. Should this happen to a motorcyclist just a few feet in front of you, you won’t have time to avoid hitting.
Obeying the traffic laws and safe driving isn’t easy when many people on the road don’t share your mindset. You make an effort to allow a safe following distance only to have a tailgater negate this by following you too closely. How do you deal with aggressive tailgaters without becoming aggressive yourself? Here are five suggestions: Don’t Get Drawn into the Aggressive Driving “Game” While getting some revenge may seem tempting, the other driver will simply respond in kind. The result is an unpleasant and dangerous road battle that could.
Motorcyclists have the odds stacked against them. Their small size means they’re less likely to be seen in busy traffic situations. Their lack of a protective cage means their riders are more likely to suffer a serious or fatal injury in an accident. Their two wheels make them less stable on poor road surfaces and wet pavement. For these reasons, motorists should not drive around them as they would other cars. Safely sharing the road with motorcyclists requires giving them special consideration like you would to pedestrians and bicyclists. Here.