Bicycling, biking, or pedal cycling has substantially increased in popularity over the last decade, and biking has become a go-to transportation means for a number of Americans for both economic and health reasons. In 2016, about 12.4% of Americans or around 66.5 million rode their bicycles on a regular basis. The number significantly increased between 2012 and 2014. One challenge faced by the public today is the growing number of fatalities involving cyclists, particularly those who are under the influence of alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease.
As a new driver, there is a lot of excitement around being able to bring yourself to wherever destination you want to go. No more waiting for your parents or friends to pick you up or drop you off, driving gives you a little taste of being independent. There is no harm in feeling excited, in fact, the majority of drivers, even the ones who have been driving for a long time, still experience excitement whenever they get on a vehicle and drive. As a young person who.
Many responsibilities come with being a vehicle owner. Your accountability as a vehicle owner doesn’t just stop at paying for the automobile; you also have to pay for auto insurance, think about road safety, and maintaining your vehicle to the highest level possible. Car maintenance is not just about filling your gas tank so you can get to your destination or the occasional engine oil change. Whether you’re going on a long road trip or just taking your usual route to work, you should check your vehicle every.
Driving during the night can be dangerous. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the most dangerous time to drive is between 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. In any given year approximately 6.6 people are killed between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM and another 6.6 people between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM. This period is referred to as the afternoon rush hour when people are coming home from the office. Another dangerous time to drive is between 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM because of the number.
As a driver, you want to avoid accidents at all cost. Aside from all the financial consequences of being involved in a car accident, the more important factor that you think of is the safety of everyone involved. Every time you get inside a vehicle to drive, you are operating a dangerous piece of machinery that not only affects you but everyone and everything that you will encounter on the road. Whether you’re an experienced driver or someone who just got their driver’s license, there will always be.
According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, new drivers are more likely to have a car accident within the first two years of driving than any other time. If you’re a new driver, here are some things you should keep in mind the next time you get behind the wheel: Don’t take your hands off the wheel – Before you start your car, make sure your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted so you do not have to take your hands off the wheel once you hit the roadways. Don’t.