The explosion of the Me Too Movement has brought sexual assault and harassment front and center. With the use of the #MeToo on social media, the movement has become viral and helped expose the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace. With high profile celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lawrence, and Uma Thurman showing their support, the movement has gained momentum and enabled victims to speak up. The campaign started after sexual abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein led to his dismissal from his company and.
Many people who hear the term “workplace harassment” immediately think about sexual harassment in the office. Although sexual harassment is one of the types of workplace harassment, this is not the only kind that an employee may experience in their workplace. Workplace harassment is any form of unwelcome, sometimes unlawful, conduct that may come from different sources inside the organization. Aside from coming from a higher authority figure, it can also come from coworkers, group of coworkers, vendors, and even customers. The most severe forms of workplace harassment.