QUESTION: What is wrongful death? My brother was murdered and no one responded to the 911 calls until 12 hours after. ANSWER: Wrongful death refers to death caused by the negligence or misconduct of another. CCP § 377.60 establishes a statutory cause of action in favor of specified heirs of a person who dies as a result of the “wrongful act or neglect” of another.
QUESTION: My father died in a horrific accident in February 2013. We were all devastated, and his partner of 40 years is trying to sue for wrongful death or compensation because he was her provider, but they were never married. Is she legally allowed to do this? Can a non-family sue for wrongful death? We also want to know if we have a wrongful death case as his surviving children. ANSWER: The California Code of Civil Procedure provides for certain heirs to file for a wrongful death action on their.