Motorcycle accidents can be the worst of all. Often, your body is thrown from the motorcycle and your head might be impacted. Additionally, you might suffer from a number of broken bones and other injuries.
Casts and Belts
You might need a cast in order to recover from a fracture. But there are certain breaks which can’t be healed with a cast, such as broken ribs. In this case, the doctor might give you a belt to wear around your mid-section while you’re moving. They’ll also recommend plenty of rest.
One of the worst things you can do when you’ve broken a bone is to smoke. For some reason, smoking slows down the bone-healing process a great deal. So if you’re a smoker, be sure to keep this in mind.
Make sure you take your calcium while you’re recovering from your fracture and for a while afterwards too. Your bones need calcium in order to heal and be strong. It’s also a good idea to eat and drink calcium-rich foods such as milk and yoghurt.
A Balanced Diet
Make sure that you’re eating a balanced diet which consists of carbohydrates, lean protein and a small amount of fat. Scarf down those fresh veggies and fruits. Go for chicken and fish instead of red meat.
Remember that this is not the time to go on any kind of low-calorie diet. Your body needs all the nutrition it can get so that it can go through the process of healing.
The human body is a miraculous thing which can heal itself no matter how bad the injury. But you can also help it along by getting your rest, eating well and going for physiotherapy when needed.
Plus, don’t forget to consult your lawyer so that you can get the insurance money owed to you after the accident.