A bus accident in Merced County, California, has killed at least five people. The fatal incident happened at approximately 3:35 a.m. on Tuesday, August 2.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the charter bus hit a pole supporting a large green sign for the Hammatt Avenue exit near Livingston. The impact almost sliced the bus in two.
Mexico to Washington Route
The bus was on its way from Mexico to the state of Washington, and it had already made stops in Los Angeles and Livingston, California. The bus is registered to a company based in East Los Angeles.
Passengers Flown to Hospitals
About 30 passengers were aboard the charter bus and that approximately five people were airlifted to area hospitals. A CHP spokesperson said the 57-year-old male bus driver from Los Angeles suffered major injuries. It took about four hours to remove all of the injured from the mangled vehicle.
After commercial bus accidents, investigators frequently look at the driver’s training record, vehicle maintenance history and the safety record of the bus company itself. Driver fatigue, distracted driving and impaired driving are among the other possible causes of such an accident. When negligence is involved, survivors of those killed often file wrongful death lawsuits.
When commercial bus accidents result in injuries or loss of life, it is often possible for victims and survivors to file lawsuits in the state’s civil courts. Victims may seek monetary damages for medical expenses, pain, suffering and lost wages. Survivors often seek compensation for loss of companionship and loss of support as well. There are often complexities bus crash investigations.
If you or a family member is a victim in a bus crash, it is possible to consult with one of our attorneys about the matter, free of charge. We fight hard to get our clients the full compensation they deserve under the law. To learn more, please contact us.