Hogan Injury

Wrongful Death From Medical Malpractice: What can I expect?

Wrongful Death From Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice that results in the death of a loved one is more common than you may think. If it wasn’t common then doctors would not be required to carry malpractice insurance. The thought of going up against a large Medical Center or hospital can be scary but the right attorney can and will help lessen the burden.

When should I consult an attorney?

If you suspect malpractice then you should consult with a professional immediately. California Code of Civil Procedure 340.5 states that a suit must be filed within one year of the discovery of potential malpractice. The statute of limitations are rather short for these types of cases, so time will be working against you.

Who can file a malpractice claim in California?

How much financial compensation will I receive?

This varies from case to case and only an attorney with experience in wrongful death suits can accurately answer this question. California law allows for you to sue for numerous forms of monetary compensation as named below (this list is not all inclusive)

If malpractice or negligence of a healthcare professional resulted in the loss of a loved one, our California attorneys can help get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a FREE case evaluation.